How Can You Manage The Mehram Issue If Fostering Older Children
Sheikh Sajid Umar discusses the Mehram issue in regards to fostering older children.
Sheikh Sajid Umar discusses the Mehram issue in regards to fostering older children.
Do you have a family and want to welcome a new addition to your existing family by looking after a foster child? Foster children often come from vulnerable circumstances, broken […]
Many foster children who have come into the UK as refugees or asylum seekers are in need of a loving and stable home. There are many children who lack the […]
A beautiful short clip by Sheikh Sajid Umar giving advice to those that are unsure about becoming foster carers. he also talks about the upbringing of the Prophet PBUH, how […]
Islam has a rich tradition of fostering as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was an orphan himself and was raised by his grandfather and paternal uncle. Later in […]
Sheikh Sajid Umar discusses what Islam says about Fostering and how the Prophet Muhammad PBUH life was a testament to being dutiful to others.
Foster carers are exceptionally selfless individuals who dedicate their time and love to care for a child who is not their own. Becoming a foster carer is a transformational journey […]
Sheikh Sajid Umar discusses the reasons why we should Foster and how the community at the time of the Prophet Muhammed PBUH looked after him as he was an orphan.
Would you like to transform a child’s life and embark on a journey that could potentially change your life? Foster caring is very rewarding and there are many people who […]